Baby Registry Must Haves
Here is a list I compiled for must-have registry items. I know that the lists you will receive from the store you register at will be extremely long (and overwhelming!), so I wanted to make things easier for you!
Also, after your baby shower, use your registry as a check off list!
•Diapers, DIAPERS, Diapers!! First and foremost please ask for diapers! You can put it on the baby shower invitation “in lieu of a card please bring a pack of diapers” or “please bring a pack of diapers to enter the raffle” You can grab a $10 gift card from your favorite store and raffle it off!
*please note that you can exchange diaper sizes at various stores, so don’t get overwhelmed if you get 10 packs of newborn size diapers!
•Books — You can also ask for books in lieu of a card!
•Crib Mattress
•2 Crib Sheets (this will allow for easy nights when the bed is wet/soiled!)
•1 Mattress Pad/Cover
•Bassinet or Pack n Play (I used a Pack n Play as my bassinet, so it served more than one purpose)
•1 Pack n Play Sheet
•Dresser (double as changing table)
•Changing Pad
•2 Changing Pad Covers (this is a must!)
•Diaper Caddy (put on top of dresser for changing necessities: Diapers, Diaper Rash Cream, Baby Powder, Wipes, Brush etc)
•1 Blanket (trust me you will receive more than one!)
•Infant Car Seat
•2 Car Seat Bases (these make life so much easier!)
•Convertible Car Seat (KutsieBabies will grow out of their infant car seats before you know it! )
•Travel System Stroller
•“Snap n Go” Stroller (space and back saver!)
*If you plan on breastfeeding I suggest the following!
•Lasinoh Soothies Gel Pads (these are the best!) but other brands should suffice! These are a must!
•Johnson & Johnson Breast Pads (loved this brand! -- they stay put and last a long time!)
•Medela Electric Pump of your choice (I prefer the Medela Pump In Style, if you are only going to be pumping occasionally I suggest you go with a manual pump to save money)
•Breast Milk Storage (I use the tubes for milk that will be used within 5 days and the bags for milk that I am going to freeze)
•1 Nursing Cover
•Nursing Pillow (this is optional, some people love their Boppy, but I didn’t really use mine. All you really need is a pillow –if that!)
•1 Pack of Bottles (I suggest registering for one pack in case the KutsieBaby does not like the brand! I chose Tommee Tippee)
•Bottle Drying Rack
•Bottle Brush
•Bottle Warmer (so convenient and totally worth the money! — remember you can NOT microwave breast milk!)
•A cooler for your Bottles/Breast Milk (most of the Medela Pumps will come with a cooler and ice pack, make sure you check)
•Nipples (I suggest registering for 1 pack of each different flow of nipple, NOTE: if nursing you may not use these at all)
•3 Packs of Pacifiers (I suggest picking two different brands — my KutsieBaby hated Tommee Tippee but LOVED MAM — register for sizes newborn, 0-6 months and 6 months & up)
•1 Pack of Bibs (another item that people will buy you even if you don’t register for it!)
•2 Burp Cloths (little burp cloths are useful in the beginning)
•6 Receiving Blankets (okay, you will most likely get even more, and don’t freak out, they WILL be used! I loved using my receiving blankets as burp cloths. They are much bigger so they work great! I also used them to swaddle my KutsieBaby for the first few weeks home from the hospital and as a lightweight blanket for our many outings! They will get dirty quick so the more the merrier!)
•High Chair (I recommend a Space Saver High Chair, remember those KutsieBabies grow fast!)
•1 Set of Bowls
•1 Pack of Spoons
•2 Tubes of Diaper Rash Cream (I suggest two different brands)
•Diaper Bag (any will do as long as it has lots of compartments!)
•Bath Tub
•Grooming Kit
•2 Packs of Wash Cloths
•4 Towels (guests will buy more!) **I highly recommend a CuddleCloth Towel (they are much bigger than baby towels you buy in the stores and are designed so your KutsieBaby doesn’t slip out of your hands!)
•1 Bottle of the Following: Baby Shampoo, Baby Body Wash, Baby Lotion, Baby Powder (guests will buy more!)
•Humidifier (newborns get very stuffy!)
•Aspirator: NoseFrida Nasal Aspirator is amazing!! It works so much better than the usual bulb aspirators. This is a MUST MUST HAVE!
• Gas relief drops (this was another life saver!)
•Play Gym
•Bouncer or Swing (if you go with bouncer make sure it bounces on its own! I got both and don’t really use the swing)
•2 Car Seat Toys (guests will buy more — plus they like picking out their favorite!)
•3 Different Types of Teethers (I LOVE Sophie!)
•1 Rattle (guests will buy more!)
*Here is a list of some small helpful items, but not necessarily a must!
•Diaper Bag Dispenser
•Pacifier Holder (so convenient, it hooks onto the diaper bag!)
•Pacifier Wipes (1 pack should last you a while)
You may notice, I did not add clothing to the list, guests LOVE buying clothing and they LOVE buying clothing that THEY think is KUTE! I also avoided all of those swaddle items! My KutsieBaby did not like to be swaddled and if I did swaddle (which I did in the very beginning) I used a receiving blanket!