After Birth Tips
Of course first and foremost the most common tip EVERY new mom receives is *SLEEP when the BABY SLEEPS!* Yes, I admit it, I didn’t follow this tip. I still haven’t caught up on rest and probably never will! But please mommies, get SOME rest, it is extremely important to your health and your baby’s health!
Okay, now that that’s out of the way…
If you give birth in a hospital they will provide you with creams, sprays, pads, ice packs, diapers, nasal aspirator (they have a good one!), stock up on these items! (Most of the time you have already paid for them, you may want to double check to make sure you will not be charged!) The creams, sprays, pads and ice packs are a huge help at home! You will (most likely) not be able to go to the store right after giving birth so to make things easier you will want to buy pads before you give birth as well.
Ask your friends, family & partner to bring you FOOD!! Or freeze dinners BEFORE you give birth. I learned this the hard way. I was STARVING home alone with a newborn!
DON’T STRESS! Things are very new, scary and uncomfortable right now, but trust me things will settle down and you will get into a new rhythm shortly!
You will never have your old life back, but don’t worry, this new one is a million plus times better! The dishes will get cleaned, the clothes washed and the mail will be checked all in time! Take these days and weeks to enjoy your new bundle of joy and REST!
Hormones will be raging! Try to breathe and know that everything will be okay! (this will last for a few weeks)